Thursday, 11 July 2013

Discovering Gayle Chong Kwan in Stornoway

Between 29th May - 20th June we travel from Barra to South Uist via Eriskay to North Uist to Berneray to Harris to Lewis return sailing to Ullapool... I would've liked to have returned to Brenais on Lewis where I found the old schoolhouse.

Objects and places evoking island histories.

Reaching Stornoway leads to my first encounter with the photographs of artist Gayle Chong Wang... and some connections on islands...

"A fictional island, on which exist the lost and destroyed buildings and places of Scotland, Chong Kwan’s The Obsidian Isle features a series of large-format photographic works, tactile prints, and sensory aids for use on the island, and a limited edition publication". 

© Photograph Gayle Chong Kwan

Ref: Gayle Chong Kwan - The Obdisian Isle - Lantair Stornoway

A full-colour 60 page limited edition publication featuring large-format photographic works, sensory drawings, text works and a wrap around pull-out limited edition cyclorama map artwork. Edition of 500.
© Photograph  Gayle Chong Kwan, 'Theatre Royal', 'The Obsidian Isle' (series), 2011